Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Day 206 - Tuber Tuesday [2]
The purpose of Tuber Tuesday is to share a great video you've found throughout the week. It can be funny, inspirational, gut-wrenching, interesting, a book trailer, a movie trailer, an author chat, or anything else you want to share!
I don't know about you, but I loved Michael Jackson and his music. I was quite sad when I got the news that he died. I wanted to share a new to me song by him. It's called They Don't Care About Us. Have you heard of it? Do you like it? I really love it! I have another song that I will be posting next week that I just recently heard as well, but that one I have a feeling will have more notoriety. Anywho, please enjoy the video! It was hard for me to watch some of the scenes but it's a powerful video and song.
Day 206 - Teaser Tuesday [17]

-Grab your current read.-Let the book fall open to a random page.
-Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
-You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
-Please avoid spoilers!
" 'I'm the mirror?" she said then, looking up at him. "You've stolen my soul," he said. "Lock the door behind you, and don't open it again tonight." Then he was gone. " (348)
The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle :: L.J. Smith

Monday, June 29, 2009
Day 205 - The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening

Series or Stand Alone: The Vampire Diaries Series, book one
Release Date: June 26, 2007 (Omnibus Edition)
My Rating: 3.25/5
Elena: Searching for the ultimate thrill, she vowed to have Stefan.
Stefan:Haunted by his tragic past, he struggled to resist her passion.
Damon:Driven by revenge, he hunted the brother who betrayed him.
The terrifying story of two vampire brothers and the beautiful girl torn between them.
Elena has just returned home from her European vacation. It's the beginning of her senior year in High School in Fells Church, Virginia and she's looking forward to returning to her rightful place as the "Queen Bee". But it's quickly apparent that things aren't going to be the same this year...
First off, it seems Elena is just plain bored with the boys around her. She can never seem to feel that "extra something" with any of them, including her most recent try, Matt. Although he's sweet and not at all the arrogant jerk that most other boys seem to be, Elena just feels there's no solid connection. Matt is just a friend, she needs something more... And this year there is a new student: Stefan. A mysterious and darkly handsome guy that just transferred in from Italy.
Elena is immediately attracted to Stefan and sets out after him like the tigress she seems to be. But no matter what she does, her mojo magic seems to be falling flat. Stefan remains aloof throughout Elena's many attempts to get his attention. This only makes Elena more determined to have him. She starts plotting a plan with her girlfriends, sweet Bonnie and sensible Meredith (who I really like for some reason). But while Elena's mind is constantly on Stefan and her plans to obtain him, some mysterious attacks start to happen.
So I had a tough time liking Elena. Popular, privileged, beautiful, and just totally self-centered, she definitely didn't get any sympathy from me when she was brushed off by Stefan. I couldn't belive the way this girl thinks. She was just flat out appalled that the world didn't revolve around her. I admit that I somehow ended up getting used to Elena and how her brain worked. I don't like it but I guess that doesn't really matter.
I do like Stefan however, his story and his struggle to find a place to call home really sat well with me. From the background information of Stefan's past I was introduced to Damon and how crappy he was as a human. Now a vampire, like his brother, I'm sure he hasn't changed. It seems I'll have no problem loving Stefan and loving to hate Damon.
Day 205 - It's Monday!

It's Monday! What are you reading this week?, hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog, is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being read, and the books to be finished this week.
A Worthy Legacy :: Tomi Akinyanmi
Currently Gobbling Down This Week:
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Day 204 - Book Arrivals
From Contests/Giveaways & Misc:
Lushly written with rich and vivid characters, SANTA OLIVIA is Jacqueline Carey's take on comic book superheroes and the classic werewolf myth. Loup Garron was born and raised in Santa Olivia, an isolated, disenfranchised town next to a US military base inside a DMZ buffer zone between Texas and Mexico. A fugitive "Wolf-Man" who had a love affair with a local woman, Loup's father was one of a group of men genetically-manipulated and used by the US government as a weapon. The "Wolf-Men" were engineered to have superhuman strength, speed, sensory capability, stamina, and a total lack of fear, and Loup, named for and sharing her father's wolf-like qualities, is marked as an outsider.

Be aware that representatives from Simon & Schuster publishing have been sniffing around, endeavoring to obtain this information through the Freedom of Information Act. We cannot begin to imagine the tremendous, even incalculable damage that would be sustained by both Wolverine and by our information-gathering forces should this report wind up for purchase in local bookstores. Let us hope such an event never comes to pass.
Day 204 - The Chris Farley Show

But Chris did not know moderation, either in his boundless generosity toward friends or in the reckless abandon of his drug and alcohol abuse. For ten years, Chris cycled in and out of rehabilitation centers, constantly fighting his insecurities and his fears. Despite three hard-fought years of sobriety, addiction would ultimately take his life and the tragically young age of thirty-three. Fame on SNL and three straight number-one box office hits gave way to a string of embarrassing public appearances, followed by a fatal overdose in December 1997.
Here is Chris Farley as remembered by his family, friends, and colleagues—the true story of a man who lived to make us laugh and died as a result. The Chris Farley Show is an evocative and harrowing portrait of a family trapped by addiction, a father forced to bury a son, and a gifted and kindhearted man ultimately torn apart by the demons inside him.
Thank you Caitlin from FSB Associates for sending me the copy to review!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Day 201 - From the Desk of...

How was Gauntlet published? That’s a story in itself, but here are the high points. I had put together, over the course of 18 months or so, a ramshackle, complex international thriller. It was a first novel affair, and was more than 1000 pages long (no one had told me that manuscripts should be 250 pages, 12-point font, double spaced, with wide margins). At considerable expense I made 100 copies, obtained lists of agents, and sent out the manuscript, fully expecting at least half of them to come knocking on my door, beseeching me for publication rights. Nothing happened. There were two or three polite “no thank yous,” but that was it. I couldn’t believe it. The manuscript, I thought, was magnificent. So I sent out another 100 copies, with the same result. One agent must have taken pity on me, because she sent my manuscript on to a freelance editor in the business of helping authors “prep” their manuscripts for submission to agents and publishing houses.
That was how I met Carrie White, a young lady who knew the publishing business but was just getting started. She saw some promise in the manuscript, and agreed to take it on as a project. There were many rough edges, a lot of unnecessary detail, plot lines that absolutely did NOT work, and about 700 pages too many, but the “core plot” showed promise. Thereafter, over the course of about two years, the manuscript went through dozens of revisions. We cut plot lines, cut characters, changed the fate of our hero, gave our bad guy more personality, and refined the timeline. At the end of it, Carrie had friends and family members read it and the response was uniform: it was a great story. But the MS was still 500 pages long, and that was a squeeze – we were using 11-point font, 1.5-line spacing rather than double, and there were no margins whatsoever. Anyone who knows will tell you that an agent would turn that away without even looking. The book was ready, and we still wouldn’t be able to pitch it! So Carrie jumped off the cliff. She begged, borrowed, and mortgaged everything she had to create Glass House Press, and jumped in with both feet. After a year of prepping it for publication, we released it on March 3, 2009. And held our breath. We thought the book was great, but what would everyone else think? I mean, first-time author and first-time publisher; how much credibility did we have?

We found out soon enough, when the reviews started rolling in. We got great feedback from the majors like Publisher’s Weekly and Library Journal. While on tour for the book, we had magazines and newspapers covering the release. New York Times bestselling authors like John Lescroart and David Morrell came on board with endorsements. And my head began to spin.
Carrie caught a wave and surfed it, and Glass House Press now has many books in the pipeline (I’m no longer her only author). I’m working with her on editing the sequel, Counterplay, and talking to agents about foreign rights on Gauntlet. We took an incredible gamble, and it’s looking like it’ll pay off. In retrospect, I think we were part lucky, part good. Well… make that 70% lucky, 30% good. Sometimes I still have to pinch myself, and it still makes my day to know that anyone at all has read my book.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Day 200 - Waiting on Wednesday [18]

from berkelyjoveauthors.com:
From afar, Sheriff Jackson Deveau has always loved Elle Drake, the youngest telepath of seven sisters. After a long time away she's finally returning home to the small coastal village of Sea Haven. But someone has been following Elle, someone who doesn't want her to make it back. And when Elle fails to arrive, her disappearance strikes fear in the hearts of everyone who loves her. Now it's left to Jackson to uncover the mystery of Elle's vanishing, and rescue her from an unseen danger. But Sea Haven is no longer safe for anyone, and it'll take the powers of all the Drake sisters and their men to survive the coming storm.
Reason: I've been waiting for Elle's story for a while now. I love the Drake Sisters! I haven't been thrilled with the last few stories but they have a place in my heart...and on my shelf!! If you haven't read any of these you really should start!
Cover Discussion: GORGEOUS! I love the colors! I think it's perfect =)

Hidden Currents will be released June 30th!
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Day 200 - Gauntlet

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Day 199 - Teaser Tuesday [16]

Teaser Tuesdays asks you to:
-Grab your current read.
-Let the book fall open to a random page.
-Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
-You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
-Please avoid spoilers!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Day 198 - It's Monday!

It's Monday! What are you reading this week?, hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog, is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being read, and the books to be finished this week.
Circus of the Damned :: Laurell K. Hamilton
The Chris Farley Show :: Tom Farley Jr. & Tanner Colby
-So I admit, my first speech wasn't that bad. I still loathe Public Speaking, but I got a 14 out of 15 =) I'm thinking about posting it since it was about books, so stay tuned for that.
-I'm totally slacking with reading - damn summer classes!
-I'm really enjoying The Chris Farley Show, I loved him in Tommy Boy and Black Sheep but hardly watched SNL. The book is a really interesting look into his life and tragic addiction.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Day 197 - Circus of the Damned

Release Date: January 2, 2007
Poor, poor Anita. She can never seem to get a break. She's called on again by Dolph and the police to help look at some more "unusual" murders in St. Louis. Anita suspects a rogue master vampire after seeing the victim and bite marks on him from a number of different vamps. The only way to find out if a master vampire is on the loose is to go ask Jean-Claude, which she really doesn't want to do.
'What the hell do trains have to do with anything?' Dolph asked.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Day 195 - Friday Finds [3]

I usually add a lot of books on my TBR list throughout the week. This is just a small glimpse into the ones that were added on recently.
Please let me know your thoughts on a book you've read from the list. Or tell me about a good book you've found this week.
My finds this week:
Day 195 - Strange Angels [ARC Review]

I haven't read any of Lili St. Crow's other novels yet but they are on my list and I'll get to them eventually. So I'm not familiar with her writing but I felt Strange Angels was a pretty good start to this YA series.
I found myself a little hesitant about Dru in the beginning. Her and her father have been jumping around from place to place ever since her Gran died. He's a hunter of all paranormal entities that go bump in the night and has been doing so every since Dru's mother died years ago. Dru is slowly learning what she can about hunting since her father only allows her to tag along sometimes as back up. She's got a gift, kinda like a sixth sense, or the "touch" as her Gran likes to call it. She does have skills in fighting and knows how to use a gun. But at sixteen, she's pretty much mad at the world when she's introduced. Having to jump from school to school so many times she longs to be normal.
At school Dru tries to remain as aloof as possible. It doesn't help much when she meets Graves, a half-Asian goth kid who wants to befriend her despite her reluctance. She tries to push him away but he's one persistent boy. Kinda like a stray puppy that keeps begging, Graves just doesn't refuses to take "No" for an answer. Despite all that there's just something about him that calls to Dru. It may be the fact that she just longs for a friend to confide in, but how can she possible tell Graves anything about her life?
Tragedy strikes after Dru's dad doesn't come home after one of his solo missions. Dru is left on her own and quickly becomes a target for all the paranormal boogiemen. She ends up relying on Graves whether she wants to or not. And Graves becomes deeply involved after he gets bit by a werewulf. So they are pretty much stuck together and Dru continuously blames herself for Graves' predicament.
Later on they are helped by Christophe, a half-breed vampire called a djamhir, who knows more about Dru than she could ever imagine. She doesn't want to trust him but he seems determined to look out for her... And it is here where I will stop with the summary and leave the rest for you to find out =) Evil I know lol
I do want to say that the beginning really didn't do a lot for me. While I liked the story, I didn't really get into it until the last third of the book when Christophe was introduced. Not that he was my favorite character - I just felt the story really came alive in the last part. While I didn't love the novel I'm probably going to be picking up Betrayals which comes out in November.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Day 193 - Waiting on Wednesday [17]

from harpercollins.com:
With the end of summer closing in and a steamy Labor Day weekend looming in the town of Holton Mills, New Hampshire, thirteen-year-old Henry—lonely, friendless, not too good at sports—spends most of his time watching television, reading, and daydreaming about the soft skin and budding bodies of his female classmates. For company Henry has his long-divorced mother, Adele—a onetime dancer whose summer project was to teach him how to foxtrot; his hamster, Joe; and awkward Saturday-night outings to Friendly's with his estranged father and new stepfamily. As much as he tries, Henry knows that even with his jokes and his "Husband for a Day" coupon, he still can't make his emotionally fragile mother happy. Adele has a secret that makes it hard for her to leave their house, and seems to possess an irreparably broken heart.
But all that changes on the Thursday before Labor Day, when a mysterious bleeding man named Frank approaches Henry and asks for a hand. Over the next five days, Henry will learn some of life's most valuable lessons: how to throw a baseball, the secret to perfect piecrust, the breathless pain of jealousy, the power of betrayal, and the importance of putting others—especially those we love—above ourselves. And the knowledge that real love is worth waiting for.
In a manner evoking Ian McEwan's Atonement and Nick Hornby's About a Boy, acclaimed author Joyce Maynard weaves a beautiful, poignant tale of love, sex, adolescence, and devastating treachery as seen through the eyes of a young teenage boy—and the man he later becomes—looking back at an unexpected encounter that begins one single long, hot, life-altering weekend.
Reason: You know I think the fact that the main character is a boy is a good enough reason to interest me. I think I need a boy's story right about now =) And it sounds like it could be really interesting.
Cover Discussion: I have a thing for hearts randomly placed in photos. I love the fact that it's drawn on the window like that. I don't see a big tie in to the blurb but we'll see how that goes after reading it.
Labor Day will be released July 28th!
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Day 192 - Teaser Tuesday [15]

-Grab your current read.
-Let the book fall open to a random page.
-Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
-You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
-Please avoid spoilers!
"Being friends with Edward was like being friends with a tame leopard. You could pet it and it seemed to like you, but knew deep down that if it ever got hungry enough, or angry enough, it would kill you. Kill you and eat the flesh from your bones." (82)