Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Day 248 - Tuber Tuesday [6]
The purpose of Tuber Tuesday is to share a great video you've found throughout the week. It can be funny, inspirational, gut-wrenching, interesting, a book trailer, a movie trailer, an author chat, or anything else you want to share!
I recently found this video the other day and automatically wanted to share it with you all. I'm not a huge fan of any of these ladies' music, even though I have some songs from all three of them on my iPod. And while I may not be their biggest fans I sure do love this video. && who doesn't love Queen
These ladies are hott stuff!! (Yes even Britney lol) And they all have beautiful voices. However, Enrique being a mean king is hard for me to picture. He's too cute lol.
So I'm thinking this was aired for the superbowl or something since it's so long. I don't like Pepsi but I gotta admit the video made me want one lol. 1 point for the advertising/marketing team.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Day 241 - Tuber Tuesday [5]
The purpose of Tuber Tuesday is to share a great video you've found throughout the week. It can be funny, inspirational, gut-wrenching, interesting, a book trailer, a movie trailer, an author chat, or anything else you want to share!
So I don't know about you, but I'm pretty glad I don't live in New York and have to drive over the Manhattan Bridge. I'm sure it's safe and all but I like my bridges to not sway when I drive over them. *shrugs*
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day 234 - Tuber Tuesday [4]
The purpose of Tuber Tuesday is to share a great video you've found throughout the week. It can be funny, inspirational, gut-wrenching, interesting, a book
trailer, a movie trailer, an author chat, or anything else you want to share!
I absolutely love Avatar: The Last Airbender. I'm pretty sure the animated show is done and I wasn't able to catch the last 2 seasons. I'm planning on getting them on DVD because it's just a great show! Trust me lol. So when I went to go see Transformers the other night (which was a FANTASTIC movie) I saw this teaser....
I pretty much squealed the whole time I watched it. I can't wait to see more trailers.
And you know I kind of enjoy M. Night Shyamalan's movies.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Day 213 - Tuber Tuesday [3]
The purpose of Tuber Tuesday is to share a great video you've found throughout the week. It can be funny, inspirational, gut-wrenching, interesting, a book trailer, a movie trailer, an author chat, or anything else you want to share!
Here's the other video I wanted to show you all that I mentioned about last week. This is another Michael Jackson song I hadn't heard of. It's called 'Dirty Diana' and it's really good! I'm sure a lot of people have heard of it, just wanted to share the video in case you were like me and living under a rock =)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Day 206 - Tuber Tuesday [2]
The purpose of Tuber Tuesday is to share a great video you've found throughout the week. It can be funny, inspirational, gut-wrenching, interesting, a book trailer, a movie trailer, an author chat, or anything else you want to share!
I don't know about you, but I loved Michael Jackson and his music. I was quite sad when I got the news that he died. I wanted to share a new to me song by him. It's called They Don't Care About Us. Have you heard of it? Do you like it? I really love it! I have another song that I will be posting next week that I just recently heard as well, but that one I have a feeling will have more notoriety. Anywho, please enjoy the video! It was hard for me to watch some of the scenes but it's a powerful video and song.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Day 185 - Tuber Tuesdays [1]
Tuber Tuesday is hosted by Emily over at her fabulous blog AyeCaptain Reviews (go check her out!)
The purpose of Tuber Tuesday is to share a great video you've found throughout the week. It can be funny, inspirational, gut-wrenching, interesting, a book trailer, a movie trailer, an author chat, or anything else you want to share!
For my first video I wanted to give this little guy/gal (undetermined at the moment) a little more spotlight for those of us who haven't seen it. I for one think this anteater is freakin adorable! And how often does one say that in their life?? Check out it's cuteness =) The noises it makes totally made me have an "Awww" moment.