Thursday, April 30, 2009
Day 145 - Extraction *shudders*

Day 145 - Thursday Thunks [2]

We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want. Write about it on your blog... simple as that. Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post. Please mention us in your post, and link back to the blog here.Don't forget to go visit the other participants' blogs. Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks! That's what all this is about after all, isn't it? We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen & Kimber via phone & Skype conference, the color mango and the number 70566.1. What color is your front door?
It's blue!
2. We discussed our folks in previous TT so now tell me about your siblings. If you are an only child, tell me whether or not you wanted siblings, older, younger etc.
I have two sisters. An older and a younger one. My older sister is in her thirties and she has two kids (boy & girl). Her and her family live in California and I'm afraid we don't talk much.
My younger sister lives with my mother and I, along with her 18-month-old daughter (who I love more than anything).
I did have another sister and I really love telling this story. I was born September 15, 1987. My sister, Nina, was born September 14, 1988. She unfortunately died a few weeks after birth. I find myself imagining what life would have been like growing up with another younger sister. And what fun our birthdays would have been. I wish I had gotten the chance to know her.
3. What color/type butterfly is your favorite?
Oh I don't know!! Let me google some pictures and pic a fave... One moment please...

4. Will you be celebrating Cinco De Mayo?
Probably not.
5. Oprah- love her, hate her, or don't care?
Honestly?... I don't care.
6. Are you worried about the spread of swine flu?
Yes and no. Yes - because this could be a terrible and scary thing if it does spread. I don't really want to think about it. My ex-boyfriend has family in Mexico and he plans on visiting in a few weeks but he's slowly changing his mind. I don't want him to go.
And no - I guess because it hasn't hit close to home yet so it's still "out there" to me.
7. Hard or soft pillows?
I like mine to be in the middle - really soft pillows suck. So I do lean more towards the softer side of things but throw in a bit o' firmness please.
8. How many trees are in your neighbor's yard?
Front or back? And left or right neighbor? Come on now, gotta be specific!!
9. What was the color of the last car you saw?
It was red.
10. When does your driver's license expire?
Let's check shall we? Exp: 9-15-2012 (My 25 birthday - eesh!)
11. Look at the clock on your computer and type the numbers backwards.
12. When you put your pants on, what leg do you put in first?
I never really paid attention. I want to say right since that's my dominant side but I know I've gone with my left first before.
13. How would you respond to this letter if you were an advice columnist.
I am an ugly woman. I was an ugly baby and child even! It is a fact. I am 36 now and I have never had a boyfriend, and I am still a virgin.
Due to me not having men in my life, I have poured everything I have in to education and my career. At 36 I am the youngest (and first female CEO) at a big, successful, tech company. I have over 200 personal patents and millions of pounds in investments.
I have everything: huge house, holiday villa in Spain, 3 cars, power boat, a race horse, etc. But as much I try to talk myself into everything being “great” I cannot help but to miss that special someone to share it all with.
Most of my friends are married with kids and I feel like I am gradually drifting away from them also.Where can I find someone to marry an ugly woman?
Wow...umm hmm let's see:
First off, congratulations on all of your accompishments! You are way ahead of the game and you definitely deserve a pat on the back. But I must say you're negative attitude towards yourself can radiate off you and keep others away. I don't mean to sound corny, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have seen some "not so pretty" people that have significant others. So I'm thinking maybe if you start telling yourself you're not ugly and start liking yourself than that will so.
Otherwise you can always adopt =D
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Day 144 - 1st to Die

Series or Stand Alone: The Women's Murder Club series, book one
Synopsis: [from back cover]
In San Francisco newlyweds are being stalked - and slaughtered. Enter four unforgettable women, all friends ... Lindsay, a homicide inspector in the city's police department ... Claire, a medical examiner ... Jill, an assistant D.A. ... and Cindy, a reporter who has just started working the crime desk of the San Francisco Chronicle. Joining forces, pooling their talents, courage, and brains, they have one gaol. To find, trap, and outwit the most diabolical and terrifying killer ever imagined.
I've heard how great a writer James Patterson is. I've seen one or two movies based on some of his books. And yet this is the first time I actually picked up a novel by him. I should have a long time ago! I was totally sucked into the Women's Murder Club and it's characters. 1st to Die is a fast paced and thrilling ride that I really didn't want to end.
The book opens up into an emotional scene with Lindsay Boxer as she stands on the balcony of her apartment holding her SFPD revolver. She starts thinking about the events of the past couple of weeks and what led her to be in her current position. Lindsay is the only female homicide inspector of the San Francisco Police Department. She finds herself working more harder to earn the respect she deserves from her male driven department.
Philip Campbell, a seriously twisted killer, has just killed a newlywed couple in their hotel suite. Lindsay is first on the scene and there doesn't seem to be many clues left behind. Meanwhile, Cindy Thomas, a local reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, is dying for her bring break. After hearing about the murders over a police radio at the office, she heads over to the hotel with no real plan in mind. Somehow she sneaks up to the crime scene and gets caught after seeing the groom's body. Lindsay admires Cindy for being able to by all the cops.
She invites Cindy out for drinks and they meet up with Lindsay's best friend Claire, who happens to know exactly what Lindsay's has to go through on a daily basis since she's the medical examiner. The trio decide to form a "club" to help solve the murders, and they only become more determined as more newlyweds are killed.
1st to Die mainly concentrated on Lindsay. And I didn't mind that at all. I found myself really liking Lindsay and I completely sympathized for her when she started having feelings for her temporary partner, Chris Raleigh.
I totally loved this book and read half of it the first night I picked it up. I would have finished it if I didn't have to wake up for work the next morning. No worries though because I quickly finished it at work. I just had to know who the killer was because I had my suspicions but the end really threw my head for a loop. I can easily see why Patterson and his books are such a huge success. I hope the series continuous to be just as good as the first because I'm definitely going to be continuing!
Reviewed Elsewhere:
DeSeRt RoSe
Day 144 - Waiting on Wednesday [10]

Bad Moon Rising :: Sherrilyn Kenyon
from fantasticfiction.co.uk:
A stunning and suspenseful new landscape emerges in the thrilling Dark-Hunter world - a world where nothing will ever be the same again. . .
Fang Kattalakis isn't just a wolf. He is the brother of two of the most powerful members of the Omegrion: the ruling council that enforces the laws of the Were-Hunters. And when war erupts among the lycanthropes, sides must be chosen. Enemies are forced into shaky alliances. And when the woman Fang loves is accused of betraying her people, her only hope is that Fang believes in her. Yet in order to save her, Fang must break the law of his people and the faith of his brothers. That breech could very well spell the end of both their races and change their world forever.

Bad Moon Rising will be released August 4th.
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Day 143 - Congratulations...

I am so totally thrilled at the response I got with this giveaway. A big thank you to everyone who participated. I just want you all to know I wish I could give every one of you a copy!! But the winner of Finding Grace is...
I'll be emailing you later this evening and I need a response before the end of Friday, May 1st or I will have to choose another winner.
If you'd still like to purchase a copy of Finding Grace you can go here!
P.S. I'm hoping to have some more giveaways this upcoming month, so please stay tuned...
Day 143 - Teaser Tuesday [8]

-Let the book fall open to a random page.
-Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
-You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
-Please avoid spoilers!

Monday, April 27, 2009
Day 142 - It's Monday!
Even though I don't gobble down as many books as I'd like, I still wanted to join in on the fun 8)
Books Already Gobbled:
One for the Money :: Janet Evanovich
1st to Die :: James Patterson
Currently Gobbling Down:
Hunted :: P.C. and Kristin Cast
Step Into Darkness :: Naomi Bellis
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Day 141 - Book Arrivals 8.0
The Bargain :: Mary Jo Putney from Book Mooch
The Lost Hours :: Karen White
After the Rain :: Karen White -both of these came from Yankee Romance Reviewers (thank you!)
Jantsen's Gift :: Pam Cope with Aimee Molloy from Anna Balasi, Hatchette Book Group
Evermore :: Alyson Noel from Jess
A Worthy Legacy :: Tomi Akinyanmi for review from author
Look for 9.0 in the upcoming weeks because I am expected a visit from UPS with goodies from B&N. Happy Reading!
Day 141 - I'm so jealous of..
Definitely one of the many reasons why I want to learn how to play the violin 8)
These are a few more:
Day 141 - Giveaway Reminder
Friday, April 24, 2009
Day 139 - One for the Money
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Day 138 - Thursday Thunks [1]

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the color eggshell and the number 101.
1. If you could sky write anything you wanted, what would it be?
What a tough one - It would definitely depend on my mood at the time. But if it were to be right now at this precise moment, I'd go with " There is no restart button, make it count! "
2. Did you get drunk at your prom?
No I didn't. I didn't really do anything crazy on prom night.
3. What is your favorite spice to use cooking?
Ah, well being I'm not a very big one to cook. I don't really have a favorite spice. I do like that red stuff you sprinkle on deviled eggs though. Can't for the life of me think of the name at the moment, it'll come to me.
4. What color is your roof?
It a dark charcoal grey color. Shingles, nothing fancy.
5. In a land far, far away I _____________
...would be a fairy princess! No just kidding, I would probably start my life over. (& yes I know I said there's no restart button but let me pretend, if only for a little while.)
6. In the Miss USA pageant, Miss California was asked; "Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?" and her answer was; "Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. Um, we live in a land that you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage and, you know what, in my country and, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," Carrie said to a mix of boos and applause. "No offense to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised and that's how I think that it should be between a man and a woman." Do you think that cost her the crown?
I've seen a bit of this on the news. Personally, I support same sex marriage, so my opinion may be a little bias. I respect her beliefs in believing what she will about marriage but I do think she probably should have thought before she spoke. In a competition like this, you kind of have to tell the judges what they want to hear and still adhere to your beliefs. I'm not faulting her because she spoke what she truly felt. But I do think it cost her major points for not "sugarcoating" her response.
7. Do you watch Miss USA/Miss America pageants?
No I don't. I did watch Miss Congeniality though 8)
8. Have you ever driven/ridden on a tractor?
No I haven't and you know what, I've always wanted to at least ride on one if not drive it. And I'm not talking a little one, I mean one of those big suckers!! But I'd probably settle for a little one if given the chance.
9. For the parents - what cartoon/children show did your child watch obsessively? (Hey, if you aren't a parent, maybe a niece or nephew...)
I'm not a parent, but I'm an aunt of an 18-month-old and she watches Sponge Bob a lot. She really likes the music not so much what's going on. One thing she does watch obsessively, that has nothing to do with cartoons, is the On Demand channel from Cox. It's crazy, if I put it on she drops whatever she's doing and watches it smiling. It's pretty funny.
10. If I set a level on your living room floor - would it show that it was level?
Um, probably not. Then again I'm not really sure.
11. What was the last restaurant you ate at?
Red Lobsters, yesterday. Wasn't all that great. I was in the mood for some scallops and they weren't the best.
12. What's the picture on your wall calendar for this month?
I'm at work so I can't go look. I'd try to describe it but I really can't, so let's just move on.
13. Are you superstitious?
Not particularly. I think I used to be and I don't really know why. I used to cross myself when I rode by graveyards when I was younger. I have no idea why I did that but I don't do it anymore. I can't think of any more examples at the moment but I'm not very superstitious at the present time.
14. If I get into your car and turn on the radio - what type of radio station will I hear?
Well you wouldn't hear the radio, you'd hear my iPod. But if you unplugged my iPod, first I'd slap your hand, and then you'd hear whatever station I left it on before plugging it in. I'm not a big radio listener anymore.
15. Would you rather wake up with a snake in your bed or a lizard?
A lizard, an iguana preferably. Like the small ones, not those huge ones. I don't not like snakes, I just think that waking up to a snake would scare the crap out of me more than a small iguana.
16. Do you think schools have changed at all since the Columbine tragedy 10 years ago? In what ways?
Yes and no. I think teenagers will always be the way they are: troubled, cruel, and confused. Not all of them, believe me. It's just high school is hard for a lot of teenagers out there and I'm not cutting any slack for the shooters at Columbine or any other school that had a similar tragedy, it's just I've seen what teenagers can do and how just not nice they can be. Actually it's people in general that are like that. I think schools are doing a lot of good things to prevent another Columbine tragedy, but they can only do so much. It's up to the students ,and maybe even the faculty, to not let another tragedy occur.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Day 137 - Waiting on Wednesday [9]

Prism :: Faye & Aliza Kellerman
from harperteen.com:
Prism takes us to a slightly alternate universe in which medicine and health care do not exist, and in which sick people are allowed to die without any care. Set in New Mexico and California, the novel features three teens who fall through a cave at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico while on a field trip. They are plunged into a frightening parallel universe—seven weeks in the past, in which their "normal" worlds of family and high school remain the same…except for the fact that no medicine exists and when people die in the street they are picked up and disposed of.
Prism will be released June 23rd.
You can read an excerpt here.
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Day 136 - The Duke and I
The first character to meet is Simon Basset (who really has a much longer name than should be legal - Simon Arthur Henry Fitzranulph Basset, talk about a mouthful). Some background information about him is provided as the prologue talks about how hard it was for him at birth and his early childhood with his father who, at the time, is the Duke of Hastings. Wanting an utterly perfect son, the Duke is very hard to please and totally unforgiving. Simon spent his first 4 years of life not speaking, and after the Duke realizes Simon has a stutter he totally rejects him.
Simon grows up hating his father and to further smite him Simon refuses to get married. He never wants to fall in love! He never wants to get married! And he has absolutey no plans on having any children so the family line of Dukes will end with his death. Shouldn't be a problem, right? ... Well, not exactly. The mothers in this time are on brutal missions to marry off their daughters to well-to-do eligible men. And Simon is pretty high on that list since he is now the Duke.
This is where Daphne Bridgerton and her family comes in. The Bridgerton family consists of eight children which isn't too terribly unique. The fun part is the way Violet has named her children: Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth. (I'm curious as to how to correctly pronounce the youngest girl's name) I love the ABC naming style. So anywho, Violet is on her own mission to marry off her oldest son and oldest daughter. She's even made lists of eligible people for both children, which definitely made me giggle.
After meeting Daphne, Simon comes up with a brilliant plan to keep away the persistant mothers and their trailing daughters: fake a courtship! This idea could even help Daphne in gaining more suitors since many haven't had an interest in her of late. Not that there is anything wrong with Daphne. She's quite pretty and extremely nice. It's just that most men think of her as a good "friend" and nothing more. But that does change after Simon's fake interest in her. But to make this pretend courtship even more complicated, it turns out Simon is Anthony's best friend. And ever since the father of the Bridgerton children died, Anthony has been the man of the house, looking after his mother and siblings. So of course he's furious at the idea of Simon and Daphne together at all!
As you probaly guessed by reading the blurb, Simon and Daphne end up falling for each other. And while they do get married (not really a spoiler, I promise), they don't quite do it for the right reasons. Their story is filled with humor, hardships, trust, and of course love in the most unexpected places. I thought it was such a great story and I really enjoyed it. The characters were great and I adored the chemistry between Dapne and Simon. I had no trouble with Julia Quinn's writing style. I must admit, I was always afraid I wouldn't like historical romances because of the "old" feeling to writing of certain time periods. But this was nothing like I imagined.
One character I just have to point out is the ficticious Lady Whistledown. She writes a gossip column that everyone absolutely hates and yet always finds the time to read (sound familar?). There are passages included in the beginning of every chapter and I'm dieing to find out who it is. I'll definitley be reading on in this series to see if she is ever revealed and to follow the rest of the Bridgerton family.
Day 137 - Teaser Tuesday [7]

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Day 135 - Triple Threat
I honestly love commenting other people and am so thrilled to recieve comments back from the bloggers I love. So I want to thank J.Kaye from J. Kaye's Book Blog and Melissa from Melissa's Bookshelf for giving me this award for being among their blog's top commentors. Basically thanks ladies for having such great reviews and blogs for me to read.
One Lovely Blog Award

This award is given to new blogs and blogging friends.
The rules to follow are:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Some new blogs I've come across that I think you sould check out are:
Wrighty's Reads
The Shady Glade
Reading With Monie
Reading Extravaganza
Premio Dardos Award

Thank you so much to Teddyree from The Eclectic Reader for this award. I've seen it quite a few times around blogland and I never anticipated receiving it.
"This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day.
The rules to follow are:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award."
I'd like to pass this award on to:
AyeCaptain Reviews
Cupcake Witch
Drey's Library
Melissa's Bookshelf
J. Kaye's Book Blog
Peeking Between the Pages
Pop Culture Junkie
Friday, April 17, 2009
Day 133 - Girl, Interrupted
I'm kind of struggling to write a review for this book. Although I liked and enjoyed reading it, I felt it was just an okay read. The memoir tells the story of Susanna Kaysen's stay at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. The short chapters were easily read and they retold certain experiences that Susanna went through and the people she came across while at the hospital. Even though they weren't necessarily in any chronological order they were still easy to follow.
In the late 1960s, at the age of eighteen Susanna voluntarily checks herself into McLean intending to stay only for a few weeks. But after a twenty minute interview the doctor Susanna was seeing advocates a committal that ends up being close to two years. She introduces a lot of the patients and even some of the staff of the hospital. Also inlcuded within the pages are some of Susanna's personal medical files. Those files were only given to her after she was forced to hire a lawyer in order to see her records.
I did enjoy the book but it just didn't leave a lasting impression with me. I do recommend it however, because it really was a unique experience into the human pysche and how fine a line between insanity and sanity there is in a lot of us. I do have to admit I enjoyed the movie better.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Day 132 - Congratulations...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Day 131 - Waiting on Wednesday [8]

Reincarnation :: Suzanne Weyn
from bn.com:
From prehistory to the present, theirs was a love for the ages. It starts with a fight in a cave over an elusive green jewel . . . and then travels over time and lives to include Egyptian slaves, Greek temples, Massachusetts witch trials, Civil War battlefields, Paris on the eve of World War II, America in the 1960s . . . and a pair of modern-day teenagers. For readers who believe that love is stronger than time or death, this is an unforgettable novel from a wonderful storyteller.
The paperback version of Reincarnation will be released May 1st.
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Day 130 - Giveaway Reminder
Day 130 - Teaser Tuesday [6]

-Grab your current read.
-Let the book fall open to a random page.
-Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
-You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
-Please avoid spoilers!
"I fiddled with my fork. My day hadn't exactly been a success, and announcing to the world that I was a fugitive apprehension agent seemed presumptuous." (62)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Day 129 - Finding Grace [Review & Giveaway]
Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone
Synopsis: [from bn.com]
Finding Grace is the powerful, often humorous, and deeply moving story of one woman’s journey of broken dreams. It is the story of how a painful legacy of the past is confronted and met with peace. This book is for anyone who has struggled to understand why our desires— even the simplest ones—are sometimes denied or who has questioned where God is when we need him most. This story is about one woman’s unlikely road to motherhood. Finally, it’s a book about the “undeserved gift which is life itself.” It’s the story of “Finding Grace.” Donna VanLiere has entertained millions with her inspirational stories. In her new book, she gives us a candid look into her own life, a life filled with suffering and pain, but one that ultimately finds peace with itself.
I'm not a very religious or spiritual person so I was a little hesitant to accept this book to review. I don't mind reading inspirational stories in reference to God, however I do find myself wary of them. So I'm not really sure what my expectations were before reading it. I must admit the blurb made me think I'd at least be able to get through it. I'm happy to report I really enjoyed Finding Grace.
Donna VanLiere's life has definitely been filled with hardships and as she retells her story I couldn't help but feel her pain as she searched for a reason to have faith. There always seemed to be something going wrong and I totally agree: It seemed downright unfair. I too have felt this way before at times. But I didn't really feel a complaining/whining vibe from Donna's words. She was able to write about the difficulties in all the aspects of her life and still keep it light and not too centered on herself. She also included many quotes from different people throughout history that mentions God but didn't stop me from finding them inspirational.
There are a couple of passages that really touched me that I'd like to share:
- "In our innermost self we forgive them because we understand that unforgiveness ultimately destroys us, not them. We realize that those who have wronged us are as broken as we are and if our journey's been rough we can only imagine what it's been like for them." (148)
I have a big problem with forgiving others once they wrong me. I really have to push myself to let things go and to forgive them. This passage has further helped me realize that I'm only hurting myself more if I let it dwell inside me and let it bother me instead of just taking a big, deep breath and forgiving the other person.
- "Half the battle in life is knowing what not to forget and forgetting what doesn't need to be remembered. We remember the bad stuff and forget the good. We let toxic memories seep into our souls and hearts to poison our day, while the good and holy memories are cast aside to be glanced at only on occasion." (161-162)
Another one that touched me deeply... The bad things always seem to stick with people, especially me. I find it so hard to remember happy times and yet so easy to remember the heartbreaking moments in my life.
Finding Grace is a book everyone should read. I'd like to give away my copy of the book so the receiver may have something to inspire them that things do get better and you just have to keep living each day without letting the world keep you down.
**I want to thank Julie Harabedian for sending me this book to review.
How to Enter:
+1 Comment below telling me you'd like to enter. Include your email address so I can contact you if you win. (No email address = No entry)
+2 Become a follower or subscriber and comment in a separate post. (If you already follow let me know and you'll get the extra entries)
+3 Blog (or link on sidebar) about this giveaway and comment in a separate post.
All entries must be posted by Monday, April 27th! I will announce (and email) the winners on April 28th. After I contact the winners, they will have 3 days to contact me back or I will have to pick new winners.
If you can't wait for this giveaway go here to purchase the book now!
Good luck to everyone 8)