Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 176 - The Laughing Corpse
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day 175 - The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone
Synopsis: [from]
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 173 - Thursday Thunks [6]

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by THE THURSDAY THUNKERS!!!!!
These questions were submitted by Thursday Thunker participants! (so don't blame Kimber & Berleen for the quality of the questions.....)
...we are picking up where we left off last week, which explains why we are starting with #21 instead of #1. Great work on the questions submissions everyone! It gave Kimber & I a much needed mental break.We posted these questions just as they were listed on the participant's blog.
21. How many states have you been in?
While driving to Walt Disney World in Florida - 5.
22. If a sexist Man is called a pig, what is a sexist Woman called?
A bitch? I don't really use the word pig for dudes. I call the guy a douche and tack on the word sexist if I feel the need *shrugs*
23. You see the one person who you absolutely despise. If you were guarentee'd that he/she couldn't say or do anything back to you.... What would you do??
Lol, wow good question. A part of me wants to think of something really evil. Another part wants to just flip them off and walk away... decisions...decisions.
24. How many states are to the right of you? And don’t give us a map to look at.
What's with the state questions... I'm glad you said right though, because that would be zero! I'm on the east coast.
25. You can go anywhere in the world for free. Where are you?
Only because I'm lonely - Atlanta, GA to see my ex.
Any other day - The countryside of China. Always wanted to see it in person.
Uhh, who cares?
27. Are you a boxing fan? Do you think there will be a rematch of the Hatton-Pacquiao fight?
No I'm not but I'm guessing you are and you want a rematch =)
28. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?
I'm sorta picky so I guess the food that had the most disgusting consistency I can think of at the moment was boiled okra...pretty nasty flavor too.
29. Is it cloudy right now?
Probably, it's dark.
30. What is your dream job?
Honestly? A rockstar...true story lol
31. Someone gives you a $500 gift card to WalMart or Target. What are you going to buy?
Honestly, again? Books and maybe a few other things lol and that's a BIG maybe
32. When you were little, what did you want to be "when you grow up"? And, how much different is your occupation now from where you thought it would be when you were younger?
I think I wanted to be a doctor. I'm a college student going for Accounting *blech* and I work at an Aquarium dealing with tickets and customer service *double blech*...I can't stand hospitals anymore, so I don't know which is worse lol
33. What was your favorite toy as a child?
It's sad that I can't remember. *sigh*
34. How do you think these things up??
What? My answers? Hmmm...
35. Why do you think so many "fake" veterans get away with pretending? Why don't people question them more (especially the media who eats up their stories?)
Uh, I guess I'm out of the loop on this one.
36. What is the last place you had a good cry and why?
I'm assuming you mean where...and it was in my bedroom. It wasn't necessarily "good", it was long, hard, and exhausting. And it was a break up, took me a while to get that cry out, so I guess it was healthy for me.
37. What do you mean?
Next question...
38. Which Sesame Street Character do you relate with the most and why?
I was never a big Sesame Street watcher. I liked the brown elephant thing for some reason though.
39. What one song would you listen to over and over if you absolutely had to?
This is like asking me to pick my favorite song and I just can' yep, next question.
40. Did you ever make what you believed at the time to be a horrible mistake - that in hindsight turned out to lead you on the best path in your life?
Not yet. All of my situations are usually reversed lol. I think it's great at the time but instead turns into the horrible mistake, go figure.
41. If you could change one thing on your person, what would it be?
Selfishly - my weight lol. I'm working on it though.
42. What’s your favorite show to watch on television nowadays?
Gotta go with House, I watch it the most.
43. Do you believe there is life after death?
I want to believe there is. Do I? I don't know.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 172 - Waiting on Wednesday [14]

The marriages of desire . . .
From the multitalented and versatile Gloria Vanderbilt comes a passionate, sensual, witty, and puzzling tale of erotic obsession, beauty, and revenge, told in tandem by two women obsessed with the same man—and, ultimately, with each other.
Talbot Bingham is a renowned architectural genius who, with his formidable wife, Priscilla, creates an architectural community. When he dies unexpectedly in the middle of their tenth wedding anniversary celebration, the devastated Priscilla is left keeper of the flame of Talbot's genius. Going through her husband's archives, she comes unexpectedly upon a pile of neatly tied letters, and the shocking secret of her husband's intimate life—a discovery that shatters the foundation of her soul and spirit.
Obsession explores the mysteries of the human heart and the nature of sexuality and obsession, provoking questions about whom we choose to love, and why. The reader is left to decide if the other woman represents another facet of Priscilla, or if Priscilla her-self has invented the other woman who completed the world her husband so recently inhabited?
Reason: I've seen this twice now while hunting for a book to post today and I finally decided to read the blurb. I think what really grabbed my attention was the last sentence...the possibility that Priscilla could have made this "other woman" has really made me curious about the book. I'm definitely going to get myself a copy when I get the chance.
Cover Discussion: I'm not crazy about the cover. However, I can see where there might be a tie in to the novel. After I read it I'll be sure to re-analyze the cover.
Obsession: An Erotic Tale will be released June 23rd!
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day 171 - Teaser Tuesday [12]

Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 170 - It's Monday
It's Monday! What are you reading this week?, hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog, is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being read, and the books to be finished this week.
Remember the Sweet Things :: Ellen Greene
The Five People You Meet in Heaven :: Mitch Albom
Currently Gobbling Down:
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day 169 - Book Arrivals 10.0

From Contests/Giveaways & Misc:
Day 169 - Remember the Sweet Things
- Getting home from his trip to Eastern Europe and recounting his frustration with delays on the last leg because "they cut into my time with my wife". (87)
- His response to his best friends calling him pussy whipped: "I know. I like it." (88)
- Coming home with a rose and a sweet note, after I'd told him about my hard time with my hard time with my boss. (89)
- The excitement of his home leave after two months and meeting him at Logan; people smiling at a sixty-year-old man and a forty-five-year-old woman flying into each other's arms and kissing with abandon. (120)
- A vacation in Bali; Jennifer's disappointment at not finding a nice shell on the beach; his buying one and planting it for her to "find". (121)
- Opening the last peanut or spreading the last cracker or dipping the last chip, and always offering it to me. (191)
- On his hands and knees, next to the pool with Lola, his face in the water, demonstrating how to bob for the tennis balls she'd lost there. (225)
- My torn knee ligaments on the mend after a fall on the street; his impatience with me when I tried to help myself: "Call me!" "I'll do that!" "Go sit down!" (226)
- Telling me that he considers it a little gift each time that he wakes up and finds himself being held by me." (251)
As you can see, most of what Marsh does is small, sweet, and kind every day things that I'm sure many men (and women) do for their significant others. Reading through them made me think of my other half and how much I miss the little things he did for me. However painful it may be for me I can always hope that I still have a shot for my "happily ever after". I highly recommend giving this beautiful book a try.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day 166 - Thursday Thunks [5]
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
1. Have you seen the new Star Trek movie, and if so what did you think?
Nope, not yet. I'm not a big Star Trek fan but I still want to see it =)
2. Which popular sitcom character (past or present) are you most like?
I don't know. How bout who do I want to be like? =D I like that question better. Dr. Lisa Cutty, on House. I love how she puts up with House. She kicks major ass! I love that show, period! (Sidenote: I had no idea her real name is Lisa too)
3. What kind of dreams do you have?
All sorts, I suppose. I heard everyone dreams every night even if they don't remember it. I mostly don't remember them.
4. Bugger it. Go get a tattoo and come back. Right, now answer me this, what ees eet?
Finish up the one on my arm that says "Forgive". I want "Yourself" written below it and somehow work some color into it.
5. Do you think you could be on American Idol with the singing voice you have now without any voice training?
Probably not. I apologize all the time to my mom for not having a great singing voice, or model looks, or acting skills . I tell her I'm sorry I'm not famous and can't buy her things lol, she laughs at me and says I'm silly.
6. How much wood, would a woodchuck chuck? If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I thought that was one whole question...
Answer: Who the hell cares?!?
*smiles prettily*
7. If you were a tree in a Dr. Seuss book, what would you look like?
I saw this question on the blog it was created on and really didn't want to answer it lol. I want to be an awesome and unique tree but I don't have the brain cells to describe it to you at the moment. All I know is it would be awesome...and all the other trees would be totally jealous...yeah
8. Twilight? I'm addicted/Who cares/What the hell is Twilight?
I'm not like crack-addicted to it, but I do like Twilight. So deal with it!!
9. Do you think Kimber and Berleen do a dube while writing these questions?
I think this is Bud's question lol. And no, I think all the questions are just from their weird as hell natural/beautiful creativity banks. *smiles brightly*
10. What the worst injury you've ever had?
No real accidents in life that I can think of. But I did have open heart surgery when I was 19. April 2007.
11. What is your favorite dessert?
I like simple ice cream, the cheap Pet kind to be precise. Neopolitan, yum! Oh and also Cake Batter ice cream from Coldstone, but not a lot because it's too rich. I can live off the cheap stuff!
12. What do you prefer...beach or mountains?
Never been to the mountains. I live by the beach, mind you it's not pretty beach lol, but I like going sometimes. I don't think I can answer the question as of right now.
13. What movie have you seen that still makes you cry?
Off the top of my head: Terms of Endearment, gets me everytime. (Although I really wanted to add Sex and The City - Charlotte tells Big "NO!" really loud and holding Carrie after he hurts her at the wedding. Totally made me cry.)
14. Why are you making me submit a question? Are you too lazy to think of one yourself?
I think the person who came up with this one was lazy lol
15. How often do you do laundry?
Whenever it needs to be done. I live with my mom and sister, so basically whenever she tells me to. I personally think it should be twice a week rather then every fricking day. My mom is crazy.
16. What is your favorite movie of all time, and why?
I hate this question, along with favorite book, movie...etc.
I have way too many so...basically I refuse to answer with it! *smiles prettily*
17. If you won a million dollars in the lottery, would you keep working?
Uh, duh. That million dollars, or the less than million dollars I'd get after taxes, would only last a little while. I wouldn't even get all the money at one time so I think I'd have to keep working.
18. If there was a war of the gummies, would you be on the gummi bear side or the gummi worm side?
Tee, hee my question!!
I'm a gummi bear gal myself.
19. What's your favorite comic strip?
I always enjoyed Garfield.
20. Close your eyes… imagine you are in the perfect room/place… describe it.
Ah this one could take a while. For the sake of time saving. I'd be outside, the sun shining (but not directly in my eyes), a light breeze every now and again. I'd be curled up in a really comfy chair. No bugs around please. be continued next week.... (you didn't want all 40-some questions this week, did you?)
Day 166 - Twenty Boy Summer [ARC Review]
Frankie comes up with a brilliant idea of finding summer love. She reasons they will be there for about 27 to 28 days. Why not meet a different boy in 20 days? Anna is not up for it in her mind. She doesn't want to lose Matt and erase what her first love that she never even got to experience. But she reluctantly agrees just to keep a smile on Frankie's face. However, she has no intention of letting him go.
The Zanzibar Bay vacation is beautifully described as Frankie and her family show Anna a good time in all of their favorite spots. The trip is painful for everyone but they try to keep smiles on their faces. Frankie's parents are grieving in their own way and Sarah Ockler provides glimpses into their lives and they have to deal with after losing their son. When the trip takes a few painful turns, the girls' friendship is tested as Anna meets a new boy that she is really attracted to and Frankie continuously acts out.
The story is a very realistic portrayal of the two teenagers handling their grief, sadness, and loss and finding a way around it. I really enjoyed the novel and I think Sarah Ockler has a great future of books in store for everyone.
A part in the book that really grabbed my heart and squeezed tight:
"Other times, early on, she'd just run away and weep. Weeping is different from crying. It takes your whole body to weep, and when it's over, you feel like you don't have any bones left to hold you up." (p. 28)
Twenty Boy Summer isn't officially out until June, however I've noticed and heard that it can be found at book stores everywhere. I definitely recommend going out and getting a copy and reading this emotionally honest novel filled with truly believable characters.
I want to thank Caitlin Price from FSB Associates for sending me my ARC copy to review.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day 165 - Waiting on Wednesday [13]

A breathtakingly honest, gloriously written memoir about the complexities of forgiveness when a young widow discovers her husband's secret life after his death Julie Metz seemed to have the perfect life—an adoring if demanding husband, a happy, spirited daughter, a lovely old house in an idyllic town outside New York City—when in an instant, everything changed. Her charismatic, charming husband, Henry, suffered a pulmonary embolism and collapsed on the kitchen floor. Within hours he was dead, and Julie was a widow and single mother at 44. Just like that, what seemed like a perfect life melted away. But the worst was yet to come.
Six months after his death, Julie discovered that her husband of 12 years, the man who loved her and their six-year-old daughter ebulliently and devotedly, had been unfaithful throughout their marriage, going so far as to conduct an ongoing relationship with one of Julie's close friends. This memoir—moving, simple, filled with incandescent images—is the story of coming to terms with painful truths, of rebuilding both a life and an identity after betrayal and widowhood. ltimately, it is a story of rebirth andhappiness—if not perfection.
Reason: I'm usually not into memoirs. But the cover grabbed my eye and when I read the blurb I said to myself, "God, that sucks!" I don't know what I would do if I found out my husband had a whole different life after he died (if I was married that is). I think the book sounds really good!
Cover Discussion: Flowers always get to me, especially when the picture is simple. I find the natural beauty of a flower absolutely amazing. However, I don't see the relationship between the blurb and the cover (or the title for that matter).
Perfection: A Memoir of Betrayal and Renewal will be released June 9th!
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day 164 - Teaser Tuesday [11]

Teaser Tuesdays asks you to:
-Grab your current read.
-Let the book fall open to a random page.
-Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
-You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
-Please avoid spoilers!
"What I am sharing are the innocent romantic gestures of two newlyweds in love who acted that way, regardless of their ages. Marsh's blowing me a kiss "goodbye" when the hostess ordered us to separate and sit at opposite ends of the dinner table." (72)
Remember the Sweet Things: One List, Two Lives, and Twenty Years of Marriage :: Ellen Greene

Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 163 - Burned
Day 163 - It's Monday!
Burned :: Ellen Hopkins