Lumby on the Air
Gail Fraser
Series or Stand Alone: Lumby series, book five
Release Date: July 2010
Publisher: Penguin
Pages: 496
Book Site:
My Rating: 4.25/5
Source: Recieved for review from FSB Associates
Fifth in the acclaimed series set in the enchantingly offbeat town of Lumby.
Pam and Mark Walker are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary with a week-long family reunion and a ceremony renewing their vows. But when Mark's brother-in-law starts broadcasting his radio talk show from Montis Inn, his disparaging remarks about small-town life cause immediate rifts that only widen when he sides with a real estate developer who wants to turn Lumby into an asphalt Aspen. As the controversy pits family against family, and neighbor against neighbor, will the spirit that defines Lumby triumph once again?
I was lucky enough to receive a copy of the first book in this series, THE LUMBY LINES, and I reviewed it a couple of months ago in March. (read it here) I really liked the book and was looking forward to continuing on with the second book. But when I was asked to review , LUMBY ON THE AIR, I couldn't pass the opportunity up even though it was book number five.
Now I’m not too sure what I missed between the first book and LUMBY ON THE AIR but I don’t think it was a lot because book five can definitely stand-alone. Its four years after main characters Pam and Mark Walker first arrived in Lumby. I can imagine the crazy things that have happened to Lumby in the meantime. The book centers on a family reunion celebrating Pam and Mark’s 25th anniversary. However, the book wouldn’t be so long (and not as fun) if everything went according to plan. Like most families, the prospect of being together for a week can definitely be interesting. Personalities clash, past arguments resurface and the healing magic of Lumby make a surprisingly emotional read.
Mark and Pam remain to be a sweet couple. I quickly became attached to them just like I did in the first book. The visiting members of their families make the read an adventure. Mark’s estranged sister Lynn makes her appearance after an embezzlement scandal involving her ex-husband and Mark’s money. His other sister Nancy brings along her often troublesome husband Carter and their son Corey. His brother Patrick arrives with his wife Elaine and rebellious teenage daughter Jessica. And finally on Pam’s side her mother comes to visit bringing a surprise guest with her…a boyfriend!!
It seems a bit daunting to have to remember who everyone is and I admit that sometimes I got a little confused and had to step back a minute to get everyone straight. The story also includes additional secondary characters that are mixed in with the main stories. However, Gail Fraser does a pretty darn good job of creating such relatable characters. I found myself easily falling into Lumby living as I got further along into the book. Funny, heart-warming, and filled with a surprising emotional depth I think many readers will enjoy this installment of the Lumby series. And like I said before it can be read as a stand-alone. I still have some catching up to do with the in-between books and I know I’ll be a frequent visitor of Lumby.

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Good Luck!
I have been reading about the Lumby series for a long time and really want win this book. I am glad that you said that it is a stand alone.
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CarolNWong (at)aol(dot)com
Nice review, it does sound intriguing. (not an entry)
Lea - It's a very sweet and charming read =)
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