Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday [51]

Carmen Navarro rings up customers at the Quikmart, bored to tears. It’s a job, and she needs it. But Carmen’s true love is music: she dropped out of high school to sing with the Gypsy Lovers and land a recording contract, someday.

Just a few miles away, Ryan Sweeney hunches over his books, a studious cadet with his eye on West Point. There’s not a single girl at the Valley Forge Military Academy, and that’s fine by him.

But when Ryan, on a day pass from campus, spots Carmen, with her shining black hair and snake tattoo, his pulse quickens. Carmen, who normally rolls her eyes at the stiff Academy soldados, can tell this one is different. She slips him a note: “Come hear my band.” A romance begins, unlikely, passionate . . . and quickly imbalanced. In an enthralling narrative of obsessive love, the novel builds to a stunning close.

Inspired by the novella and opera Carmen, Jen Bryant creates a strong-minded and alluring heroine in this contemporary tale of tragic love.


Reason: I'm not that familiar with the novella or opera Carmen. The only reference to the opera I've ever seen was in the movie Introducing Dorothy Dandridge with Halle Berry (excellent movie btw!!) However, I love the sound of the book and I'm pretty excited to see how it is =)

Cover Discussion: I love the smoke effect and the flower on the side of the heart. Looks great!

The Fortune of Carmen Navarro will be released November 9th!

What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click


Unknown said...

It really sounds intriguing. The only thing I know about Carmen is a vague plot (or my vague memory of it) and the music which is quite memorable once you hear it. I think it might be a good modern spin on this dangerous love story.

brizmus said...

Coolest cover ever! I also don't know anything about Carmen, but this book absolutely sounds like a book worth reading!

Mine's here!

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