Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Day 388 - Waiting on Wednesday [40]

from penguin.com:
Four of today's hottest urban fantasy writers together for the first time!
From today's most provocative authors come four tales of urban fantasy and paranormal romance exploring body art that is more than it seems-in a world of magic and mayhem that always leaves its mark. This captivating tattoo theme surrounds each author's popular characters and worlds: Karen Chance's war mage Lia de Croissets, Marjorie M. Liu's demon-hunter Maxine Kiss, Yasmine Galenorn's Otherworld Intelligence Agency operative Camille D'Artigo, and Eileen Wilk's Lupi world.
Reason: Marjorie M. Liu is one of my favorite authors and the other 3 authors I have on my to-read shelf. I also really enjoy body art that is well done so it would be interesting to read stories surrounding the subject.
Cover Discussion: I think it's gorgeous. Very well done!

Inked will be released January 5th!
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Day 388 - Rising Shadow
Release Date: September 2009
My Rating: 3.25/5
Source: Copy provided by author
RISING SHADOW incorporates a fun and unique twist to its paranormal theme. Ashlyn and the characters she meet are all college-aged and have much more in common then just attended the same school or living in the same area. They are all part of a team called the Soterians. Ashlyn must find a way to make friends, pass all her classes, not be homesick, and save the world with newly discovered powers before the balance between good and evil tips too much in evil's favor.
I like the fact that in Ashlyn's world no one can ever truly defeat evil...however the balance can be returned to it's rightful place. The Soterians must discover who is behind the source and an interesting fact is that the villians are not paranormal "bad-guys" that need an obscene amount of magic skill or what-not to overcome.While the villians in this story are absolutely tough to beat they are surprisingly realisitc - i.e. politicians and terrorists. It was a nice and refreshing change to evil vampires or rogue hunters, etc.
I was also quite fascinated with the Soterian powers that Jacquelyn came up with. How the Soterian team works and what powers belong to which character. I freely admit it was one of the best and most fun parts about the book. One thing I wasn't quite feeling in the book was Ashlyn and Kai's relationship and how fast it seemed to develop. I'm all for falling in love quickly, I mean I of all people understand that you can't control your feelings or how fast they can develop. However, I would have liked to see their relationship actually develop and blossom. I think I would have appreciated their feelings a little bit more.
Overall I had a lot of fun reading RISING SHADOW, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the next installment into the Soterian world.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Day 386 - It's Monday

Books Gobbled Last Week:
The Christmas Secret :: Donna VanLiere (5/5 stars)
The Shimmer :: David Morrell (3.5/5 stars)
Gobbling Down This Week:
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters :: Jane Austen & Ben H. Winters

Friday, December 25, 2009
Day 383 - Friday Finds [19]
I usually add a lot of books on my TBR list throughout the week. This is just a small glimpse into the ones that were added on recently.
Please let me know your thoughts on a book you've read from the list. Or tell me about a good book you've found this week.
My finds this week:

The Gaslight Dogs :: Karin Lowachee
The Princess and the Hound :: Mette Ivie Harrison

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Day 382 - The Better Part of Darkness [ARC Review]
Synopsis [from fantasticfiction.co.uk]:
Atlanta: it's the promised city for the off-worlders, foreigners from the alternate dimensions of heaven-like Elysia and hell-like Charbydon. Some bring good works and miracles. And some bring unimaginable evil...
Charlie Madigan is a divorced mother of one, and a kick-ass cop trained to take down the toughest human and off-world criminals. She's recently returned from the dead after a brutal attack, an unexplained revival that has left her plagued by ruthless nightmares and random outbursts of strength that make doing her job for Atlanta P.D.'s Integration Task Force even harder. Since the Revelation, the criminal element in Underground Atlanta has grown, leaving Charlie and her partner Hank to keep the chaos to a dull roar. But now an insidious new danger is descending on her city with terrifying speed, threatening innocent lives: a deadly, off-world narcotic known as ash. Charlie is determined to uncover the source of ash before it targets another victim -- but can she protect those she loves from a force more powerful than heaven and hell combined?
I should smack myself for not reading this sooner. You may be saying "But it just came out Mishel, it's not that big of a deal..." and you'd be right. However, I've had the ARC sitting on my shelf for quite some time now. I decided to put it on hold because on the back of the ARC it says it was going to be released in December. Mmmm, not true because it was released last month. But no biggie. The point of the ranting was that I really liked THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS.
Charlie Madigan is somewhat like your typical Urban Fantasy heroine. Strong-willed, independent, smart-mouthed, fiesty and basically just a kick ass kinda woman. She does have some slight differences that set her apart from the rest of the "pack". First off, Charlie is a divorced mother. Most heroines are just fine being childless or they don't mind waiting until a better time in their life before they help populate the Earth. But Charlie's pre-teen daughter gives a good element to the story. Charlie is very passionate about her job, but having her daughter at home keeps her level-headed and makes her think a little bit more carefully about the situations she puts herself in. And Charlie's daughter does get put into danger (you knew it was coming) but I don't think it was a weakness of the storyline.
Charlie is a detective living in a different kind of Atlanta. This Atlanta's not only home to humans but "off-worlders" from two different dimensions as well; Elysia and Charbydon. Kelly Gay created a remarkable world filled with characters a lot of us have already read about. She adds her own spin on them however and she brings in a little bit more science fiction rather than fantasy into this novel. Magic and the paranormal are intertwined with genetics and scientific means that make the read a very refreshing one.
The dialogue kept me giggling and the plot kept me turning those pages until I got to the end. I wouldn't call this a funny novel but Kelly Gay has infused her characters with a wry wit that I came to really love and enjoy. The character interactions were one of my favorite aspects of the story and even the characters themselves were extremely likeable. From Hank, Charlie's siren partner, Bryn, Charlie's gifted sister, and Will, Charlie's ex-husband...I just found myself surrounded by really great characters.
I'm really looking forward to what Kelly has in store for her readers with Charlie's next book. I highly recommend this THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS to any Urban Fantasy fan. I also think Fantasy and Science Fiction fans may even enjoy it =)
Reading Order:
1. The Better Part of Darkness
2. The Darkest Edge of Dawn (August, 2010)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Day 381 - Waiting on Wednesday [39]

Paradise wasn't supposed to suck.
Not the state of being, but a resort in the Caribbean.
Jena, Dakota, Skye, and Owen are all there for different reasons, but at Paradise their lives become tangled together in ways none of them can predict. Paradise will change them all.
It will change Jena, whose first brush with romance takes her that much closer to having a life, and not just reading about those infinitely cooler and more exciting.
It will change Dakota, who needs the devastating truth about his past to make him realize that he doesn't have to be a jerk just because people think he's one.
It will change Skye, a heartbreakingly beautiful actress, who must come to terms with the fact that for once she has to stop playing a role or face the consequences.
And it will change Owen, who has never risked anything before and who will take the leap from his online life to a real one all because of a girl he met at Paradise. . . .
From confused to confident and back again, one thing's certain: Four months after it all begins, none of them will ever be the same.
Reason: I first saw this floating around online, it seems, months ago. I just love the cute cover, and I think that's the TOP reason I'd like to read this.
Cover Discussion: If you skipped the above statement I'll just re-iterate here: I love the cute cover. I really like how the blue and pink mix colors towards the middle.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Day 379 - It's Monday

Books Gobbled Last Week:
Rising Shadow :: Jacquelyn Wheeler (3.5/5 stars)
Gobbling Down This Week:
The Christmas Secret :: Donna VanLiere
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Day 378 - The Sugarless Plum
Zippora is well known for her portrayal of the Sugar Plum Fairy in Tchaikovsky's THE NUTCRACKER from 1983-1999 at the New York City Ballet where she became a soloist. She goes into detail about the joys, the hard work, and even the pain that all ballet dancers must go through. It really is a physical and emotional battle to be a ballerina and I had no idea. Learning more about these different kinds of athletes was extremely eye opening.
This memior isn't just a story of a woman surviving and living with diabetes. It's not about a talented dancer learning to overcome different obstacles in order to keep their career. THE SUGARLESS PLUM is more of an inspirational story that has the potential to touch and motivate any person that is facing any kind of life challenge. I think Zippora describes things best when she says, "My story is about living a full life, and not letting obstacles defeat you and dissuade you from following your heart."
You can download and read and excerpt by clicking here!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Day 374 - Waiting on Wednesday [38]

from simon&schuster.com:
Who Knew An Angel Could Get A Girl In So Much Devilish Trouble?
Jackie Brighton woke up in a Dumpster this morning, and her day has only gotten weirder. Her familiar B-cups have somehow become double Ds, her sex drive is insatiable, and apparently she had her first one-night stand ever...with a fallen angel. All she remembers is gorgeous Noah's oddly hypnotic blue eyes...and then a dark stranger whose bite transformed her into an immortal siren with a sexy Itch. With help from Noah, Jackie begins to adapt to her new lifestyle -- until she accidentally sends Noah into the deadly clutches of the vampire queen and lands herself in a fierce battle for an ancient halo with the queen's wickedly hot right hand man. Who just happens to be the vampire who originally bit her. How's a girl supposed to save the world when the enemy's so hard to resist?
Reason: Tell me this doesn't sound sexy and funny. I really hope it doesn't disappoint =)
Cover Discussion: I'm not a huge fan of long-haired men but I AM a huge fan of this cover model!!!
Gentlemen Prefer Succubi will be released December 29th!
What are you waiting on this week?
To see more books that are being waited for click here.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Day 373 - Teaser Tuesday [36]

-Grab your current read
-Let the book fall open to a random page.
-Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12
-You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
-Please avoid spoilers!
"'How did you know that's my car?'
I stared at the car and suddenly realized that the only time I had seen it before was in my dream.
Oh crap." (75)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Day 372 - It's Monday

It's Monday! What are you reading this week?, hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog, is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being read, and the books to be finished this week.
Books Gobbled Last Week:
The Better Part of Darkness :: Kelly Gay (Review & Giveaway coming soon 4.5/5 stars)
Gobbling Down This Week:
Rising Shadow :: Jacquelyn Wheeler
-Geez, been a whole month since I posted one of these - and in that month I've only read 2 books =(
-Really working on getting back into the groove of things...not doing a great job but I'm not giving up.
-I have some giveaways coming up so I hope you'll stay tuned for those (including The Fire King, Playing House, The Sugarless Plum, and The Better Part of Darkness)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Day 371 - Book Arrivals
If you thought your family was strange...
Try being Keira Kelly. A member of a powerful paranormal family, Keira elected to stay among humans in the Texas Hill Country when the rest of the clan moved (lock, stock, and grimoire) to Canada. But family duty means still having to keep an eye on cousin Marty — a genetic aberration who turned out 100% human, poor guy. And recently Keira's been having violent dreams — or are they visions? — featuring Marty as the victim of a vicious murder. Something sinister seems to be brewing in little Rio Seco. Can Keira get to the bottom of it all while avoiding entanglement with her former lover, Sheriff Carlton Larson? And what does she plan to do about the irresistible and enigmatic Adam Walker? When this old friend shows up as the new owner of a local ranc and wants to get better acquainted, Keira is more than happy to be welcoming...until she suspects that Adam could be intimately connected to the dangerous doings in Rio Seco.

(Book one-three in the Cirque Du Freak series)

Friday, December 11, 2009
Day 369 - Friday Finds [18]
Hey everyone! Happy Friday. Seems I still haven't gotten back into the groove of things. I'm working on it though. I'm still not reading as much as I would like and the Holidays are coming up so quickly... I did recently pass my first year of blogging =) I didn't really make a big deal about it, which I don't really know if I should have done something to celebrate or not. Oh well, maybe next year.
I usually add a lot of books on my TBR list throughout the week. This is just a small glimpse into the ones that were added on recently.
Please let me know your thoughts on a book you've read from the list. Or tell me about a good book you've found this week.
My finds this week: